Communication with Claimants

Claims Gate offers a range of ways to communicate with your claimants. It also offers a way to store external messages in the system.

Message Types

There are four types of messages within the Claims Gate system:

  • Transactional - Direct communication with an individual claimant. These can be set up to be sent automatically via the Form or be sent manually.
  • Reminder Sent automatically to keep the user engaged with the system.
  • Funnel Welcome - Sent automatically to the claimants when they first provide their contact details.
  • External Store external emails on the claim by cc'ing an email address unique to the claim.

Transactional Message

On the Table view, select the claim in the table you wish to view by pressing the button located in the action column.

An image of a selecting a claim

To see all messages sent for this claim, select the messages tab

An image of a selecting the Messages view

To send a new message to the claimant, click the New Message button. A modal will open allowing you to customise the message, on the left, and preview how the end message will look, on the right.

An image of Transactional Message Builder modal

To preview the message in your email client of choice click the Preview Message and enter the email where you wish to receive the test message.

An image of Test Message modal

Once you are happy with the contents of your message click Send Message to send it off to the claimant.

An image of clicking Send Message

Reminder Sequences

Reminder sequences can meet a wide variety of needs, from sending a one-off update to sending a series of messages. This is an incredibly useful tool to improve engagement and completion of your funnels.

To start, select the 'Reminder Messages' tab. You will see a search panel, a welcome message panel, and a reminder sequences panel.

  • The search panel can be used to query statistics on existing reminder sequences and the welcome message
  • The welcome message panel allows you to set up the welcome message. This is sent once a user provides their contact details within the given funnel.
  • The reminder sequences panel is where you can create and configure reminder sequences.

An image of the reminder sequences table

A reminder sequence is a series of one or more messages. Claimants can be added to this reminder sequence manually, or when they reach a defined step in the funnel.

To get started, click 'Add reminder sequence'

An image of the reminder sequences table

With a new sequence created, select the action button to view it's messages and settings

An image of the reminder sequences table

First, configure the reminder sequence by selecting the 'Settings' tab.

Reminder Settings

  • Name - Enter a useful name for the sequence. This is only visible to yourself. It won't be seen by message recipients
  • Status - Determines whether messages will be sent.
    • Active status will allow messages to be sent to those in the reminder sequence, and those newly added to it.
    • Inactive status will prevent any messages in the sequence from being sent.
    • Archived status will prevent the sequence from ever being used again. Selecting the Archived status is irreversible.
  • Trigger - Determine how users can be added to the sequence.
    • Manual - Users can be manually added to the sequence from the table
    • Contact Details - The user will be automatically added once they complete contact details step.
    • New User - The user will be automatically added once we receive their contact details for the first time.
    • Page Completed - The user will be automatically added once they complete the specified page. An extra dropdown will appear, where you will need to select the trigger page.
    • Agreement Signed - The user will be automatically added once they sign an agreement on this funnel.
  • Stop Conditions - When a user meets any of the selected conditions, they will no longer receive any messages in this reminder sequence. If all are left un-ticked, the user will receive all messages in the sequence

Once you have defined your setting, be sure to click save.

The next step in creating a reminder sequence, is to add messages to it. Select the 'Messages' tab from the left hand side, and then near the bottom of the screen click 'Add Reminder Message'

Reminder Messages

You will now have a message in the sequence, ready for your content to be added.

Reminder Messages

Click the pencil icon of the newly created message to edit it.

Reminder Messages

  • Type - This allows you to choose to send an email or sms
  • Subject - Define the email subject
  • Body - Define the content of your email or sms. You will notice the double curly braces around firstName. This is using values from the claim in the message. You can use any variable defined on the funnel, just surround the variable name in double curly braces
  • Message Delay - This determines how many days the system should wait to send this message after the previous message in the sequence has been sent. If this is the first message in the sequence you may want to set this to 0, so that the message is sent as soon as a user is added to the sequence

Once you have finished creating your message, click off the pop up, and click the save button.

If you want to add more messages to the sequence, simply click 'Add Message'.

You can also re-order messages if you need to. Find the doted column button to the left of the edit pencil on a message. Click and hold, then drag up or down to reorder.

With your sequence now ready for use, the final step is to add users to the sequence, so that they are sent the messages. Return to the table of your funnel, and search for the users claims you wish to add to the reminder sequence. Once you have completed the search, click the 'Reminders' button

Reminder Messages

You will now be presented with a pop up where you can select the reminder sequence to add to. Select your sequence, and click 'Assign to Sequence'

Reminder Messages

You have now successfully added users to the reminder sequence, and they will begin receiving messages. If you would like to see statistics for the messages sent in this sequence, return to the reminder sequence messages & settings tab and run the search with the same filters you used when adding to the sequence. Under each message you will see numbers for sent, opened, clicked etc.... These are the statistics for each message

Reminder Messages

External Mail

Claims Gate supports you attaching external emails to a specific claim. To do this you need to find the unique email address for the claim. Navigate to the claim you wish to attach an email to.

External Message email address

Copy this email address, and add it to the cc addresses of any emails you send that you wish to attach to this claim.

Claimant correspondence

For each funnel within your workspace, you can define an email address for claimants to communicate with you. When defined, claimants will be able to click a contact button on the track page of their claim. This will send a message to your defined email address.

To set this email address, select the funnel you wish to define an email for, then select the Funnel Settings tab. Scroll down to the input for 'Correspondence Email' and provide a value. Click Save when ready.

Setting the funnel correspondence email

Last Updated:
Contributors: Max Antonio Raju, Nazar