
A Claim represents all of the data collected from a user throughout a funnel. Every time a user starts to complete a funnel, a claim is created. The data available on a claim is determined by the questions included in a funnel.

Completing the first page in a Mercedes Diesel Emissions funnel by providing a valid vehicle registration number would create a claim on the Mercedes Diesel Emissions funnel.

Completing the first page again on the same user in a different tab would create another claim on the Mercedes Diesel Emissions Funnel.

The majority of features in Claims Gate have been built around the idea of interacting with a claim. For example, you may decide to send a message by email to a claimant, or you may export all of the claims which signed an agreement on your funnel in a given week.

All of how you can interact with a claim are described under the Claims section.

Claim Data

The data available on a claim is determined by the questions included in a funnel. For example, the Mercedes Diesel Emissions Funnel described abiove would have a data point called vehicleRegistration which represents a claimant's vehicle registration number.

Last Updated:
Contributors: Rayyan Iqbal