Exporting Claims to a CSV

Exporting a single claim

On an individual claim view, click the "Export" button.

An image of a selecting the claim view

Enter the name of your export, then click the export button to download the export. This will export every data point for the claim.

An image of a selecting the claim view

Exporting multiple claims

On the Table view, select the checkboxes for the claims you wish to export, then click the "Export" button. You can also export all claims that match your search criteria by not selecting any checkboxes, or once having selected a checkbox clicking "Select all x records".

An image of a selecting the claim view

Click the "Export" button, then select whether you want to export all fields or just the fields you have selected in the table, name the export, then click the export button to download the export.

An image of a selecting the claim view

Last Updated:
Contributors: Rayyan Iqbal, ChristianMorton-CG