Viewing Claims

On the Table view, select the claim in the table you wish to view by pressing the button located in the action column.

An image of a selecting a claim

Once selected, the navigation bar on the left-hand side will be updated and can be used to navigate through the data stored on the claim.

An image of a selecting a claim

Personally Identifiable Information

To find a claimants's personally identifiable information, such as their name and address, select the icon which, when hovered displays Users.

An image of a selecting a claim

You can click on the dropdown icon on the right-hand side of a field displayed in the table, such as Name to get a breakdown of how a user's Name is comprised.

An image of a selecting a claim

Identity Verifications

To find a claimants's identity verifications, select the icon that, when hovered, displays Identity Verifications.

An image of a selecting a claim

In this view, you can get a breakdown of the identity verifications run by Claims Gate for a claimant.

An image of a selecting a claim

You can view a deeper breakdown by pressing the dropdown on the right-hand side of verification, including links to download identity photos (if available).

An image of a selecting a claim

Agreements and Files

To find a claimant's agreement and files, select the icon that, when hovered, displays Claim.

An image of a selecting the claim view

In this view, you can see all of the data collected throughout the funnel.

At the top of this list, agreements and files will be present.

An image of a selecting the claim view

Agreement and file fields will contain information about the agreement or file, such as when the agreement was signed and a link highlighted in blue to view the file.

The link opened after selecting the text highlighted in blue is secure and can be shared between workspace members.


To find messages which have been received by a claiamnt, select the icon that, when hovered, displays Messages.

An image of a selecting the claim view

In this view, you can see all of the messages that have been sent to a claimant throughout a funnel.

An image of a selecting the claim view

To find more details about a message, click the View Entire Message to view the exact contents of a message.

An image of a selecting the claim view

This view also includes an email that can be cc'd on an email chain external from Claims Gate to track a mail on the selected claimant.

An image of a selecting the claim view


To add and view the notes on a claimant, select the icon that, when hovered, displays Notes.

An image of a selecting the claim view

In this view, you can see all of the notes that have been set on a claimant and add new notes to the claimant.

To add a note, press the Add note button.

An image of a selecting the claim view

Write out your note and press the add note button.

An image of a selecting the claim view

All notes are tagged with some basic meta information such as the date they were added, and the user who added the note.

An image of a selecting the claim view


To add and view the notes on a claimant, select the icon that, when hovered, displays Claim.

Scroll down to the bottom of this view until you can see the Delete claim button.

Press the delete claim button and accept the confirmation modal to perform a GDPR delete of a given claim.

An image of a selecting the claim view

If a given user has multiple claims, you must delete all of them to action data deletion requests.


To pause or cancel a claim, select the icon that, when hovered, displays Claim.

Scroll down to the bottom of the view until you can see the Pause claim button.

Press the Pause claim button and accept the confirmation modal to prevent the user from completing further steps in the funnel.

An image of a selecting the claim view

Once canceled, you will be prompted to optionally send a message to the claimant informing them why their claim has been canceled.

An image of a selecting the claim view

If you do not wish to send the claimant a message, close out of the modal.

Claims that have been paused are marked when viewing a claim, as shown below, and this data is marked in exports under the column claim status.

An image of a selecting the claim view


To resume a cancelled claim, select the icon that, when hovered displays Claim.

Scroll down to the bottom of the view until you can see the Resume claim button.

Press the Resume claim button and accept the confirmation modal to allow for the user to complete steps in the funnel.

CSV Export

Select the export to CSV button at the top of the page to export an individual claim.

An image of a selecting the claim view

Enter the name of your export and select the data points you would like to include, then click the export button to download the export.

An image of a selecting the claim view

Last Updated:
Contributors: Rayyan Iqbal